- Schneider, G., Lindner, F. & Keil, S. (2021). Smart Virtual Collaboration to Optimize the Development Process in Semiconductor Industry. 1st Virtual European Advanced Process Control and Manufacturing (apc|m) Conference Virtual Meeting.
- Keil, S., Mühlan, K., Winkler, D., Lindner, F. (2019). Digitale Kompetenzen in der Hochschullehre - "10.000 Schritte in den Fußstapfen eines 'Pickers'". 2019 14. Ingenieurpädagogische Regionaltagung. Bremen. Link
- Keil, S., Lindner, F., Schneider, G. & Jakubowitz, T. (2019). A Planning Approach for an Effective Digitalization of Processes in Mature Semiconductor Production Facilities. 2019 30th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC). Saratoga Springs, NY, USA. Link
- Schneider, G., Herrgoß, L., Lindner, F. & Keil, S. (2019). Chances & Challenges of Digitization in Semiconductor Fabs and Success Factors during the Implementation. 2019 19th European Advanced Process Control and Manufacturing (apc|m) Conference. Villach, Österreich. Link
Project Vision:
Technical Project Overview:
Project Results:
Smart Collaboration, Skills and Workplaces 4.0 (Prof. Keil):
- Lindner, F., Mühlan, K., Winkler, D., Naumann, F. & Keil, S. (2019). Die Bedeutung "klassischer" Kompetenzen in der digitalen Transformation. Workshop on E-Learning (WeL) 2019. Leipzig. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35748.83846
- Keil, S., Lindner, F., Mühlan, K. & Winkler, D. (2019). An Advanced Further Education Framework for Industry 4.0 - Developing a Certification Program for Digital Transformation. 2019 2nd European Advances in Digital Transformation Conference (EADTC). Mailand, Italien. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11557.96480
- Lindner, F., Winkler, D. & Keil, S. (2021). Required Competence Development in Higher Education to Manage the Digital Transformation in the Industry: Paricipatory Action Research with Stakeholders Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process. 2021 World Engineering Education Forum/Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF/GEDC). Madrid, Spanien (hybrid). S. 1–6. DOI: 10.1109/WEEF/GEDC53299.2021.9657471
- Mühlan, K., Przybysz, K.A., Lindner, F., Akrmanová, D., Winkler, D. & Keil, S. (2021). A Review and Implementation Framework of Industrial Augmented Reality. 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). Västerås, Schweden (online). DOI: 10.1109/ETFA45728.2021.9613426 (Preprint: Download)
- Lindner, F., Winkler, D., Mühlan, K., Wendt, U. & Keil, S. (2021). Learn to Shape the Digital Transformation: The Design Approach of a Learning Factory for Industrial Engineers. 11th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 2021. Graz, Austria (online). DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3858409
- Schneider, G., Keil, S. & Lindner, F. (2021). Benefits of Digitalization for Business Processes in Semiconductor Manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). Valencia, Spain, 10–12 March, 2021, pp. 1027–1033. DOI: 10.1109/ICIT46573.2021.9453611
- Lindner, F., Winkler, D., Mühlan, K. & Keil, S. (2020). Digitale Kompetenzen für zukünftige Wirtschaftsingenieurinnen und -ingenieure – Ein Stakeholderranking mithilfe des Analytischen Hierarchieprozesses (AHP). Online-Pre-Conference 2020 der 15. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung 2021. DOI: 10.25819/ubsi/7837
- Winkler, D. & Lindner, F. (2020). Lehren und Lernen mit multimedialen Lehrbriefen. In: Kawalek, J., Hering, K. & Schuster, E. (Hrsg.), 18. Workshop on e-Learning – Tagungsband. 24. September 2020, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, Heft 134 – 2020, Nr. 2751–2766. ISBN: 978-3-941521-29-2 (Download: Link)
- Lindner, F., Winkler, D., Müller, A., Mühlan, K. & Keil, S. (2020). Assessing the Impact of Information Assistance Systems on a Worker Level - A Pre-Study towards an Evaluation Framework. In: Hansen, C., Nürnberger, A. & Preim, B. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2020 - Workshopband. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. DOI: 10.18420/muc2020-ws116-001
- Keil, S., Lindner, F., Moser, J., von der Weth, R. & Schneider, G. (2020). Competency Requirements at Digitalized Workplaces in the Semiconductor Industry. 1st and 2nd European Advances in Digital Transformation Conference (EADTC) 2018 and 2019. Zittau, Germany and Milan, Italy. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48602-0_9
- Keil, S., Mühlan, K., Winkler, D., Lindner, F. (2019). Digitale Kompetenzen in der Hochschullehre - "10.000 Schritte in den Fußstapfen eines 'Pickers'". Technische Bildung im Kontext von "Digitalisierung" / "Automatisierung" – Tendenzen, Möglichkeiten, Perspektiven. Referate der 14. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung 2019, Bremen. ISBN: 978-3-9818728-3-5 (Preprint: Download)
- Keil, S., Lindner, F., Schneider, G. & Jakubowitz, T. (2019). A Planning Approach for an Effective Digitalization of Processes in Mature Semiconductor Production Facilities. 2019 30th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC). Saratoga Springs, NY, USA. DOI: 10.1109/ASMC.2019.8791830 (Preprint: Download)
- Keil, S., Lasch, R., Lindner, F. & Lohmer, J. (Eds.) (2020). Digital Transformation in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd European Advances in Digital Transformation Conference, EADTC 2018, Zittau, Germany and EADTC 2019, Milan, Italy. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48602-0

Das Projekt iDev40 wird von ECSEL Joint Undertaking unter der Grant Agreement Nr. 783163 gefördert. Das JU wird vom EU-Programm für Forschung und Innovation Horizon 2020 unterstützt. Das Projekt wird von den Konsortiumspartnern sowie Förderungen von Österreich, Deutschland, Belgien, Italien, Spanien und Rumänien kofinanziert. Projektkoordinator ist die Infineon Technologies Austria AG.
(verlängert bis 31.10.2021)